Are you thinking about starting yoga ? But you don't know exactly how to start, what type of yoga to focus on, what postures to favor? Here are some answers to help you enjoy your practice as a beginner yogi !
How to start yoga? The basics
For your first yoga session, 2 watchwords: curiosity and pleasure!
For this, I invite you to adopt an open mindset and a positive attitude . You are certainly about to discover a practice that will later become a way of life, I am sure (because of everything that comes from it, it is so beautiful!).
I recommend that you choose a comfortable outfit. It should be neither too tight nor too loose, so that you can move comfortably without hindrance. Opt for a T-shirt comfortable to wear and a bra, especially if your session involves fast movements that may make you sweat.
Of course, in yoga, your must-have will be your mat!
It is he who will make your sessions more comfortable and secure. For a first discovery session, I do not necessarily recommend that you invest in a mat… Test it once, and then yes, choose your yoga mat with your heart.
To be comfortable, the thickness of the mat is essential, as is its composition and its grip (to avoid slipping). If you want to roll out your mat with joy and pleasure at each session, I invite you to discover our flowery and poetic Alma Lua yoga mats by clicking here.
Getting Started with Yoga: Steps of a Beginner's Yoga Session
Breathing is key to yoga because it helps you slow down and be present in the moment. Yes, focusing on your breathing calms the fluctuations of the mind.
Of course, your yoga teacher will explain to you how to breathe correctly and will put you in the best conditions for your discovery of yoga.
After the basics, you can explore the postures. I invite you to start gently and listen to your body.
No rush… Enjoy the yoga path, one step at a time.
What are the benefits of yoga?
The benefits of yoga are numerous … That’s why I love practicing it, from the first time I rolled out a mat in front of me.
Let me tell you a little more.
Yoga brings (fast) results on the body and mind. Physically, it makes you more flexible and improves muscle tone, it helps reduce back/joint pain and prevent certain ailments.
Mentally, it reduces anxiety, calms doubts and acts on hyperactivity. It boosts your concentration and makes you better able to fight stress in general.
Thanks to the postures, all your tensions disappear. And then, yoga tones, strengthens, anchors your body, it brings a certain form of security and self-confidence, because it offers a return to oneself.
Practicing yoga also teaches you to understand your emotions, gain perspective on everyday situations, calms you down, and gives you another perspective on life and situations.
Yoga as a new philosophy of life
Yoga is not just a series of exercises.
It's so much deeper and more beautiful than that... It's a way of life that changes your worldview, and has wonderful ripple effects throughout your life. By learning to know yourself, to breathe and move, you adopt new ways of living.
This may include eating differently, managing your emotions, or changing your consumption and awareness…
Practicing yoga brings calm and peace into your life . It is more than a physical activity, it is a precious key to a more aligned and joyful life! It is reconnecting with yourself and seeing the world differently.
The yoga philosophy of life has impacted my life deeply… It allowed me to be fully myself, without worrying about what others think. Embracing all the facets of my personality, to the point of wanting to create my brand, Alma Lua. Like an ode to nature, flowery, vegetal, lulled by the waves, the sun and the scents of elsewhere.
This is why I created for you, the Alma Lua collections , designed with all my heart , made responsibly to preserve the environment that surrounds us, our beautiful Pachamama, Mother Earth.
An ode to nature to allow you, through these creations, to reconnect with your body and your mind. The opportunity to feel this fabulous sensation of well-being, fullness and balance. Do you want to discover the collections? Then click here.
Sarah - Alma Lua