Thinking about starting yoga? But you're not ready to spend hours on your mat or perform postures that are too advanced? Discover these 5 accessible yoga poses that are perfect for your beginner yogini routine . It's up to you to practice…
What is a yoga asana?
The word "asana" comes from Sanskrit and translates to "the way of sitting."
In yoga, an asana is a specific posture . These postures are central to the practice of yoga. They help to connect body and mind. To go further, know that there are thousands of asanas, each bringing its physical and mental benefits.
The 8 Pillars of Yoga according to Patanjali
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali explain yoga through 8 sections. These are the yamas (rules of social life) and the niyamas (rules of personal life) which form the basis.
Asanas (postures) come next. They mainly work the body. Then comes pranayama to control the breath. There is also pratyahara, to refocus the senses.
The last three pillars are about concentration, meditation and union with the divine.
The Benefits of Easy Everyday Yoga Poses
Practicing accessible yoga poses brings a feeling of well-being to your body and mind… Indeed, these simple exercises help to bring the physical and mental into harmony.
Personally, this is why I love rolling out my mat and feeling fully myself, soothed and happy . When you practice yoga, you make space (both in your body and in your head).
Body-mind harmony
Focusing on your breath and positioning your body correctly are the keys to accessible yoga poses. This is what helps you calm your mind and reduce stress.
Gentle muscle strengthening
Yoga gently (but surely) tones your deep muscles… and contrary to popular belief, yoga doesn’t just make you more flexible. It also helps you gain strength and confidence in your body. These postures work all your muscle groups, which is how you can improve your balance easily.
Improving flexibility
Finally, keep in mind that the stretches in accessible yoga poses improve your flexibility. Which loosens up your muscles and joints, making you feel more relaxed and good about yourself.
3 Easy Yoga Poses to Get Started
1 - Downward dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana is very famous in yoga. It is an ideal pose for strengthening and stretching. To do it, start on all fours, with your hands under your shoulders. Then, push your hips up while stretching your arms and legs well.
The body forms a triangle with the hips as the highest point. The hands and feet make up the other two angles – like an upside-down V.
2 - Butterfly pose (Baddha Konasana)
Baddha Konasana helps to relieve the adductors and relax the hips. Sit down and bring the soles of your feet together. Spread your knees and gently let your thighs come closer to the floor as you exhale.
3 - Tree pose (Vrikshasana)
Vrikshasana is excellent for balance and concentration. Stand straight and place one foot on the other leg, facing inwards.
This posture strengthens the back and legs and allows you to stay well anchored while working on your confidence and balance.
How to create your daily yoga routine?
You understood, in yoga, nothing is imposed! This is also why it is a real pleasure to get started, the practice of yoga adapts to your body, and not the other way around!
The postures one after the other allow you to perform sequences, and observe over time how much you gain in confidence, flexibility, and pleasure as well.
My recommendation for not being satisfied with an introduction to yoga? Find the format that suits you best. You can do this by being accompanied in a group or individual class, or by practicing at home.
Yoga will bring you joy, calm, and a return to yourself. To want to continue, nothing beats the pleasure you associate with these moments just for you. That's why I created Alma Lua: I take great pleasure in rolling out my mat and feeling good in my Alma Lua yoga outfit . A poetic and flowery soul, a style, a state of mind...
You know, yoga is a story of simplicity, joy, tranquility, freedom of movement and returning to oneself. I am convinced that yoga is ultimately an art of living, a philosophy around “good for oneself”. But also around the environment that surrounds us, our beautiful Pachamama, our Mother Earth.
I invite you to discover the Alma Lua collections by clicking here … If you are a flowery soul, you will certainly be sensitive to my universe, to my poetry through Alma Lua.
Sarah - Alma Lua 🌺